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Monday, January 21, 2008

yesterday people liked us....

Top Seller! Yeah Baby!
Yesterday was crazy.It was like one of those days before Christmas with sales coming in all day. It began with one huge 12 item order and it just kept coming. We ended up as the fourth top seller for the day of non supplies. Here is the screen shot to prove it:

We actually sold more than the chart shows.We have no idea why we sold so much. We weren't in any treasuries or on the front page or in the gift guide and there didn't seem to be any significant recent blogs mentioning us. I think it has something to do with not selling anything the day before just so that we can confirm that life is perverse or at least business is unpredictable.

This is my newest design using some of my new czech glass beads. I call it Purple Vining Flowers and Tendrils Sterling Silver Earrings. How's that for a mouthful of earring?
I bought a whole bunch of various flowers and leaves and feel a really tacky gem tree creation in my future. I'll try to just stick to tasteful jewelry.

This is Max admiring Henry's smores snowman creation that he made at preschool.We love his school.


Andrea Q said...

Congratulations on your sales!

Thanks for posting the photo of the snowman. My girls are going to have a blast making those for snack this week.

WalkerMom said...

The new earrings are great. The name is a bit long, though. Congrats on your high sales!

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Oooh, that's great! And I love your new earrings, too.

Lizard said...

how long did the snowman last?

I do love preschool, in a fairly insane and unnatural way. Or perhaps it's natural. doesn't everyone love the people who will tolerate her nonstop jabbering child, and keep her alive and entertained all day, which is more than I can do without the aid of TV/ DVDs and sugar?

And why do you do it? Why do you post earrings like that, which you know I will be compelled to go purchase. Why?