I had a customer contact us with a picure of a design she loved and wanted to know if I could make it into a hair fork.
I loved the design and became obsessed with it over that weekend.
Here's what I came up with. It's now a regular item in our shop .
Celtic Double Entwined Heart Aluminum Double Hair Sticks/Hair Fork Pin

I also made it into a shawl pin.
Entwined Hearts Celtic Knot Aluminum Shawl Pin/ Hair Pin
I'm planning to work it into a pendant design too and see what I can come up with in Sterling Silver. I'm also toying around with the idea of making all of our shawl pins in Sterling Silver
but the cost of silver is quite high now and I'm not sure I can get away with selling a more expensive pin.
But it's a thought...

Here's another design recently added to the shop-Celtic Looping Crossed Knots Light Weight Aluminum Earrings

And after numerous requests we now have the Groovy Flower Power Big Light Weight Aluminum Earrings in our shop too.
So that's what's new and exciting here. I have to admit that I find it easier to add new items and info on our facebook fanpage than on the blog. So come on over and be a fan if you aren't already http://www.facebook.com/NicholasandFelice
But I intend to keep up with the blog and realize there is a whole lot of people who don't waste their precious time on facebook. Hard to imagine :)