We have been very lucky to be crazy busy with our Etsy sales this holiday season. (Knock on wood and every other good luck mojo that causes a reverse hex by publicly proclaiming current success.)
I’ve been selling at the Eugene Holiday Market every weekend which hasn’t been quite as successful as we’d like but still can’t complain given the current economic conditions.
My laryngitis is mostly gone although I still have somewhat of a husky Brenda Vacarro type voice going on which I’m thinking might just end up being my permanent voice.
I took this picture on Thanksgiving morning and then forgot it was on my camera.

Our friendly neighborhood deer decided to just sit right down and make themselves at home and “occupy” our yard.I guess they know we are vegetarians.

This is our old man cat Fidel who decided to occupy my boxes of shipping supplies under my desk that I work at all day. He just pushed everything over,crushed part of the side and made himself at home. I’m just hoping he doesn’t decide to make it his litter box too. Although generally he prefers the hard floor in our dining room and bathroom to pathetically relieve himself which is why he is mostly banned to the laundry room.
OK now back to work ….