Early this spring Nick and I came upon one of those awesome country yard sales
down the road from us that makes me giddy with frugal joy.

I was able to buy 7 of these assorted candle lanterns for a mere $.50 each (and the
perfect bird feeder too for the same price.) But how was I going to use them on
our lovely back deck?

So I pulled out my trusty coil of 9 gauge aluminum wire we use for all our
hanging vases and other aluminum wire items we sell in our Etsy shop.

With my favorite 27 year old pliers I came up with this design (which we also
make earrings similar too.)

Then hammered it with my hammer and anvil to make it stronger.

Put the hook on the lanterns…

and hung them up on the handy support rods that run across our porch overhang,

This is the delightful view out our kitchen window.