Nick had done a special custom order for a very nice fellow of a silhouette of his daughter in silver. I put the bail on it and one of our chains. Well there was an article about Stuart and his wife and their lovely business.The Cookie people saw the pendant and loved it and put a little blurb on the bottom of page 38 with a picture of the pendant and our Etsy shop address and how this is one of their most special possessions. Nick posted a picture of one of the orders he just completed for a sihouette on his blog. We've been answering emails and Etsy conversations endlessly for days now. Our regular Etsy sales don't seem to have increased all that much from the exposure but it certainly can't hurt.But Nick is busy vectorizing profiles of lots of cute children and turning them into pendants.

This is Max looking very serious with his precious fishy and froggy blanket and juice on his spot on the couch- the essentials of his happiness.

Now he's happy.

Monday was my birthday. Max really got "into" the cake.Unfortunately I had some sort of stomach bug that day and needed to be home and close to the bathroom. I still managed to eat birthday cake. I have a cake problem that no stomach bug can stop.

Henry really loves his cat. Fidel isn't particularly thrilled but will take any attention he can get.
so glad i brought it to your attention--i didn't realize you didn't know!
guess I didn't make much sense there.
We knew about it. They had contacted us to get the information and Stu, the guy in the article who had the original done had told us about it too.But was nice of you to notice it !
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