Max is obsessed with Wolverine these days. (Not that he doesn't still love all things Spiderman too.)He asked me to make him wolverine claws. He's been seeing the ad for them on TV. So he told me to make them out of paper and cut them out and use tape. Okey dokey then.

Here he is vogueing with his claws. Pay no attention to Wolverines pee soaked pants. He's still working on his potty training issues. I suppose it is sort of wolfy to be covered in pee.

Then he told me to upgrade them by making them with card board. he was right. It makes a much sturdier product. Henry wanted some too.
Henry lost his first two teeth this week. They are the bottom front two. The new ones were already coming in behind them so he didn't get the classic gap toothed 6 year old look we were going for.
The real Wolverine has funny hair...
apparently he also has more than 3 claws but that was beyond my expertise...
The mass of super-piddle more than makes up for a shortage of claws, IMO.
The fact that Wolverine can wee himself out of a tough situation is something Hollywood never tells you.
lol. this post was funny. have a good week.
Happy Mother's Day!
Hope your day is a lovely one!
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