It's been a while since I've been feeling motivated to blog. I've been on an exercise strike too. Perhaps the two are related.Probably not. I thought I'd try and come up with something a little valentine's-y so I reworked this heart design as a shawl pin. The photos just didn't really make it "pop" but here it is anyway. The
Spiral Love Heart Light Weight Aluminum Shawl Pin

By popular request Nick reworked the HTML head Super nerdy and geeky earrings to be lower case which is the more commonly used code these days. So of course I had to take new pictures too. Again, I'm not really thrilled with them but they will do. Somehow our stuff still seems to sell well on Etsy despite the mediocre pictures.
One of our favorite mottos is "the perfect is the enemy of the good enough." I'm sure I just mangled the exact quote but you get what I mean. Which is a perfect self referential example of the meaning of it. Wow- so deep this morning!
I have a new shawl pin design I'm working on with the stick integrated into the piece as a more tradional type brooch that I'm excited about and hope to get in the shop and show off here soon.
In the meantime I'm still working on restocking the shop of all the sold out items from Christmas. It's nice to have a long break until the Saturday Market starts again.
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