Our son Henry saw our red glass marble pendants and said "You should put a leaf on it and make it an apple pendant." I poo pooed him but did it anyway just to please him and put it on our display and the Holiday Market last December. Well it sold! Then he begged me to make more and put them on Etsy. So I finally had time and the perfect photography weather and did it. These are Ruby Red Cherry Apple Glass Marble Earrings.

This is the Ruby Red Cherry Apple Glass Pendant.
I was thinking of Snow White's apple when I took the picture. So I posted about them on our facebook fanpage and we sold TWO in a day!
I hadn't even thought of the brilliant teacher's gift idea for them that our lovely and clever customers told us about. So now Henry get's a cut on very one that sells. He's quickly supplementing his allowance income.
Oh my gosh, your son is so smart!
aw thanks! and he's super cute too!
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