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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Love Affair With Aluminum

I am somewhat obsessed with Aluminum. It is the poor relative of the precious metals . She has been overlooked by the rest of the jewelry world and I am here to show her some love and attention. You don't have to be valued at $14 an ounce or more like the ever popular silver in order to be worn on women's ears. Perhaps I am over anthropomorphizing this simple metal. I just hate pretentiousness which is what so much of the craft, art and jewelry world is about. Aluminum is the unpretentious metal. She is soft and squishy- which is perhaps why I relate to her so well. She is maleable, yet strong and oh so light and airy.
She is the metal that made flight possible. And she makes some lovely big hoop earrings.
So open yourself up to the possibility of aluminum. I'll stop now before this becomes too creepy. But you'll be seeing more aluminum stuff from me in the future as I hammer away in the dining room in between parenting, much to my family's dismay. Henry has told me "Too loud! I need peace and quiet!"
You may notice a fancy bit of 'puter graphics on the side bar. The Etsy site provided this handy piece of code so that you can see more of what's for sale on our Etsy shop. You can click on the photo to go directly to that item in our "store".

Here is my favorite airplane lover, Max, showing his favorite plane and here he is kissing Daddy.

1 comment:

WalkerMom said...

I suddenly feel like I NEED some aluminum. "She" looks great!