Ewww! Daddy's gag gift of broccoli.

Hahaha my dad is sooo funny. Good thing i got all this Thomas stuff.

Hahaha my dad is sooo funny. Good thing i got all this Thomas stuff.
Then later in the afternoon we had the traditional birthday party with friends.

Henry had been planning the musical chairs event for quite some time. We played pin the tail on the donkey too.

He also insisted on having a pinata. Luckily Safeway provides the muy authentico rainbow guitar pinata in the ethnic food aisle. This pinata comes with many colored strings hanging from it that the kids take turns pulling until the lucky one pulls out the cardboard opening releasing all the yummy candy we filled it with. No smashing with sticks on this modern day safe pinata. No Funniest Home Video episodes here with some adult getting their genitals mistakenly smashed by the blindfolded innocent child.

One of our happy and cute party goers- Lauren

The blowing out of the candles on the Thomas birthday cake. Again, Thank You Safeway for giving me another easy way out of this parenting responsibility. Henry had been saving the bowling ball candles and pins all year for this event.
We are slowly coming out of the holiday sales blitz and brutal winter colds/sinus infection. More blogging to come.
Great to see a new post! Miss you guys!
Happy Birthday Henry!!!
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