This past week Henry attended Philomath's Safety Town Class. It's 3 hours a day for the whole week teaching kids about to enter kindergarten all about safety from fire and electrical to gun and stranger safety.He really enjoyed it . Here he is holding his certificate.

I tried to get him to pose with Officer Keppe and McGruff the Crime Dog but he refused. Max was willing to step in. Officer Keppe looks thrilled eh? I must give kudos to him though. When we arrived at the Fire House for the tour they got a call and all the firemen had to suddenly leave the building. He stepped in and gave an impromptu tour. He used to be a fireman also.

Grandma Fran got to come to the graduation too! Here she is with boys in front of the little team house at Safety town.
I took a few videos on my camera. They sang a bunch of cute songs. Here is one of my favorites "Stop ,Look and Listen". I can't get that damn song out of my head.
My first blog embedded video !
In other news...
I am waiting a few more days to see if I get some more responses for naming the earrings and then I'll make the big difficult decision.
I wonder if Max and Henry will miss each other when Henry starts Kindergarten? Here it is all day like the grade school! That is a lot of time! I think Moe will miss Mimi....Although we are considering homeschooling them....Your boys are so cute! Nice that Grandma gets to visit!
Your boys are just too darn cute, I gotta tell ya!!
Thanks for the cuteness compliments!
Henry will be in half day afternoon public school kindergarten. It is a small school that has just kindergarten and 1st grade.The Safety Towen classes were held there and the first preschool he went to was there too so he is familiar with the school. You can pay to have your kid in all day kindergarten if you want but i'm already traumatized having him go away for us half day. he says he wants to take the bus but I think we'll start out driving him. It's only about 6 minutes away.
Janelle- I just read your blog-congratulations on your wedding!You guys look so happy!
We don't have the option here. You are lucky! I hate the idea of all day kindergarten! Seems like half days would be better!...That is nice they have safety classes. I need to look into something like that.
I love "Stop, Look and Listen." How cute. I know what you mean about Henry being away for Kindergarten. I'm traumatized with Walker being gone until 4pm!!! I offered to pick him up at school at 3, but he said he loves riding the bus. I was sad at the market, alone, today. Seemed all the moms were out and about with their little ones. It hit me that I won't get him anymore on school days. I have the 1st grader mom blues. Perhaps I will end up home schooling after all...
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