We had a little journey through United Airlines circles of hell in which our first flight from Eugene was delayed due to "weather conditions" in San Francisco that looked sunny and delightful when we finally arrived with 5 minutes to spare to make our next flight. Apparently those 5 mintues where not enough to keep them holding their own flight and so they gave away our seats. We then stood on the customer "Service" line for about an hour and half with about 75 other disgruntled passengers with their own tales of airline woe while watching the plane we should have been on sit on the runway delayed for an hour. Henry behaved impeccably (I must be a great parent) the whole time on line. We managed to get stand by on the next flight and screw the next slightly late passengers out of their seats. I assume this process goes on infinitely as each flight takes seats away from those slightly late in a sort of Pay It Backward process of airline karma.We arrived at 1:30am in the morning at JFK and my loving brother and mom and dad were there to greet us.
The next day began with this lovely NY breakfast-the bagel and cream cheese with lox.

It had been about 6 years since I last saw my brother and 12 years since I was last In NY.

Now that's a pizza! Finally the pizza you just can't get in Oregon. It has the light thin crust and the oil dripping down your hand.

Sibling love
The next night was my nephew Matt's 12th birthday party that he shared with his good friend Jason. It involved 50 12 year olds and a large lovely swimming pool with a hot tub. There was an air brush artist making t shirts and hats and a movie screen set up outside and the grand finale of the Mr Softee truck in the driveway with free ice cream cones for all.Henry got to go in the truck with his cousin and play ice cream man. Unfortunately my little 6 year old thinks he can actually swim. So there he was on his little floaty noodle thing kicking out to the deep end constantly to join in with the all the big kids. I was left with the only reponsible parenting option of putting on my bathing suit and going in there too. So I was the only adult at the party baring it all in a bathing suit amongst all the kids.
The next day we drove into NY and went to the Museum of Natural History.

Henry , Matt and Jamie taking it all in.

Henry , Matt and Jamie taking it all in.

While sitting in traffic this just cracked me up for some reason. I guess I am just easily amused.

Henry and Jamie

The next day was my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. My brilliant sister-in-law came up with the plan of stealing Mom's photo album and having this board made for everyone to sign.

I got to see my Great Aunt Phylis. So this is Felice, Phyliss and Fran. Try saying that 5 times fast.We had lots of old family friends show up and a good time was had by all.
Yay! Looks like you had a great time, it's always nice to catch up with family...
Glad you two made it home safely, with no major trials. ♥
What a fun trip! Justin's dream is to go to NYC. Someday soon we are taking a trip up. For now he has to settle for his second favorite city. Philadelphia. :)
Sounds like great fun. Great pictures!
Your pick of the bagel shows up on my 'following and faves' screen every morning now, making it impossible to get my oatmeal down.
btw, i have been craving bagels ever since seeing this pic the other day! :)
Hi Felice. LOL at the Hot and Crusty sign. I'm glad you had a great trip. Looks like Henry had a big experience being with his cousins.
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