It was perfect egg hunting weather. The grass was appropriately overgrown (unintentionally).The boys were equipped with the Luftschein/Carter official all purpose candy gathering equipment.We even had our friend Ethan join us .

The boys had built a little nest for themselves out in our field and were gorging themselves on their well filled eggs.
It was a fun holiday which was made even more pleasant by a surge in sales. This aluminum swirls and spirals medium barrette has been a big hit this week. It looks heavier than it is but due to the miracle of aluminum it is actually quite light.
I intended to go to the Saturday Market this past Saturday for the opening day. I actually got up at 6:30am, drank my coffee and drove down almost all the way but the rain kept pounding harder and harder. The sky got darker the closer I got to Eugene and panic started to set in. I couldn't face setting up in the pouring rain and spending 12 hours down there being miserable. So I turned around, called Nick at the first turn I take towards Cheshire and acted like a crazy woman. I really hate making decisions. Especially about the weather and what my potential profit would be for the day. I drove a little further towards home and then the market gods mocked me by making the rain stop. But by then it was too late to turn around again . But I still called Nick just to try and force him to make the decision for me. He told me that the online weather site said there was a 100% chance of rain. I came home and went to our little 4 year old friend's Princess themed birthday party and had a lovely time but of course the sun came out and it was a glorious warm,yet windy day. So annoying...
I later spoke to a friend who told me she saw other marketeers turn around on the way down to market and that it did rain again in the afternoon. It was a tough call. But Etsy has been awesome this week.So I guess it all evens out. Or something...
No more chocolate for a few days, maybe...
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