This is the hammer and anvil that I use to smash ,I mean delicately forge,my wire with.

This is the part of my thumb that I also recurrently smash. It's always the same spot. It gets better and then a month or two later ,perhaps when a child is screaming for my attention and I am trying to get something done quickly, or just when my mind is wandering off in one of it's millions of directions thinking about all the things that need to get done , I inadvertantly smash the side of my thumb again. There's some sort of lesson here that apparently I am not learning.
It is also what I would like to do to the weather forecasters who told me that today would be cold and rainy. After bailing out on last weeks Saturday Market I was once again freaking out trying to decide whether or not to go again today. All the forecasts called for cooler,colder,rainy showers. I made Nick do the data research and decide for me. He is the most logical person I know who operates generally without emotions getting in the way. His analysis after studying the various weather sites and our financial situation was that it did not make sense to go today. It rained all night and then when I woke up at 8:15am (or rather when Henry woke me up) it was not raining. It hasn't rained a drop all day. It has been partly cloudy which means the other part has been SUNNY. It has been warmish and a little breezy. I curse those weather bastards and if I had a hammer and anvil near their thumbs or other appendages , well,... I think you know where I'm going with this.
Well I have been trying to put up a picture of a new pair of earrings but Blogger is having some sort of technical difficulties and won't let me so you'll just have to be left with that blood clotted image on your mind instead of a lovely pair of earrings.
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